The company Schindler IT-Solutions is clearly on the winning track with its latest product databee . Nominated for the Constantinus Award International 2020, databee has now also secured the Innovation Award 2020 from the province of Lower Austria and the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

"databee-When data learn to speak" is a data exploration service and uses machine learning for document classification. This allows data analysis to be performed without storing copies of the source data. databee ensures that all data is correctly managed and the risk of data breaches is minimized.

databee enables companies to reduce costs for software licenses and data storage, optimize storage media and also meet the requirements of GDPR. Intelligent data de-duplication and data trash detection keeps disks clean and data that is no longer needed (or duplicates) can be deleted. Unauthorised processing of data is detected and prevented. Data is the capital in every company and so this knowledge can be used for economic decisions.

databee was originally developed for companies and the public sector, such as the Scottish Health Authority, who have migrated their data to the cloud. Much of the data stored on the servers is not suitable for the cloud and the existing duplicates are also expensive  to store in the cloud. To further reduce the costs, the working behaviour of the employees was taken into account by determining which program features each individual works with. In this way, databee can save you a lot of money.

"databee - makes your data speak too!" We congratulate databee on this success!

Winning video of Schindler IT-Solutions GmbH on the occasion of the Innovation Award 2020.
