Schindler IT has done it again! The customer project "digi4planning - worldwide data transparency through consolidation of accounting data and project progress data" is nominated for the Constantinus Award 2022 category International Projects .

BBS Automation GmbH relies on modern technologies. Accounting and project data are read and analysed with digi4planning in their international branches (Germany, USA, China, India, Malaysia, Brazil, Italy, Poland and Slovakia,...). At the head office, the data becomes visible within a very short time. Deviations from project data, key figures, .... are quickly recognised and can be clarified. There is no need for time-consuming reporting to the head office and the time difference fades into the background.

We congratulate the team from Schindler IT-Solutions on their nomination and keep our fingers crossed. The award ceremony will take place on 2 June 2022 in the Sophiensälen, then we will know whether digi4planning has made it onto the podium.