Implement projects more easily, efficiently and cost-effectively...
...with our decades of experience.

Do you want to digitize your company and value professional implementation?
We will be happy to support you.
What such an implementation can look like
1. Define direction and goal: We clarify why you want this change and where the journey is heading.
2. Review the current system: We decide whether to integrate the current system or a new one.
3. Project implementation: We develop and integrate the software. For large projects, there are regular updates on the process.
4. Joint commissioning: We check the functionality and release the project.
5. updates and optimizations: We provide support with regular updates and optimizations
Projects implemented to date
More than 25 years of practical experience flow into every step of our work:
- Digitalisation the administration of an equestrian sport association
- online shops
- Online learning platforms
- Data protection and GDPR
- Network Security
- Enterprise planning and forecasting in multiple languages and currencies with 70 planners active simultaneously
- Supply chain optimization for medical tests
- Setting up a multi-national BI system in more than 20 countries
- PowerBI Dashboard for customers
- AI-based analysis and classification of documents
- Evaluation of software usage for license optimization
- Development of a company-wide "Data Lake"
- Representative management and sales planning
- Automation of data subject requests
- Machine monitoring
- Sentiment analysis (positive/negative) about statements of decision makers in social media
- Finding optimal company locations taking into account the travel times of employees
We will be happy to advise you in a free initial consultation.