The implementation of the DSGVO (English: GDPR) is a difficult undertaking. Our mission is to provide you with the right tools and resources to make this process as easy as possible for you.
What we can do for you:
easyGDPR provides you with the original text of the DSGVO with cross references, FAQs and blog articles about DSGVO. These are free resources which allow you to inform and prepare yourself easily.
icon-clipboard checkDSGVO>Self assessment
The first step is to determine whether your data processing complies with the DSGVO and what needs to be done to process the data in accordance with the law.
Experts can help, but they are expensive - if everything is done by experts.
We want to help you to get a good start in the DSGVO by means of a self-test with our easyGDPR Self-Assessment Tool. This self-evaluation tool will guide you through several tests in the form of questionnaires. Your answers will be evaluated automatically. Based on your answers, the system will guide you to additional questionnaires concerning your situation until a clear picture of your current status is obtained.