databee is a highly scalable Data Exploration Service analyzing your file shares. databee uses machine learning for data classification. databee's unique architecture analyzes files without storing a copy of the data. This gives you Scalability and Data Protection by design. databee scales from one terabyte on one server to several petabytes of data on 100s of servers. databee is delivered as a service. You receive an actionable dashboard with insights about your files without binding your resources.

databee saves cost for storage and backup and enables you to optimise the storage tiers(SSD, HDD, Archive,...). The intelligent data deduplication and Data Junk Detection empowers you to keep the file shares clean. For cloud environments databee analyses the data volume needed by each user and enables you to save cloud license cost by right-sizing all licenses.
databee file share data exploration provides evidence of proper data management. databee enables you to enforce your data retention policies as well as your data storage policies. databee gives you evidence that your policies are implemented properly. he unique machine learning algorithm can classify documents and recognise and protect business secrets. databee identifies data stored in the wrong place - across several sites and including data in the cloud.